Why Fitness Will Never Define Me

It is safe to say that cycling has become my favorite thing. During Saturday’s ride, I was completely in love with every second. Im super thankful that I’m healthy enough to ride  and that I live in the perfect place to do it. Exercising has become a huge part of my life. Its  the first thing I do when I wake up and it’s something i think about during all of my free time. I love feeling healthy and fit, and I can run on the adrenaline from a good ride for hours afterwards.


But what if that was all taken away from me?

Despite how much I love exercising, I’m thankful that it doesn’t define me. I am a cyclist, but I am first and foremost a sinner saved by grace. A Christian.

The best part about that is knowing that it will never require a skill on my part. I am a cyclist because of what I do, but I am a Christian because of what I can’t do. God didn’t save me because of my “skills,” He saved me so I could simply be His.


I’m sharing this because I think it’s a good reminder for all of us with earthly goals. We are always enough, regardless of our accomplishments. Yes, we need to be responsible about our health and mindful of what we do to our bodies, but we are not worth any less if we don’t deadlift 200 lbs, or need to skip a workout. That’s why its important to know what defines you, and it’s also important to not compare yourself to others.

But that can go both ways. You are not worth more than anyone who runs less than you or who eats more cookies than you. Lets not major on the minors.

The point is that cycling and health are beautiful things. They are meant to be enjoyed, but are they really the most important thing?

I am by no means a deep guru of wisdom, but I think I have needed to set my priorities straight lately. My life is much more enjoyable when I’m on the right track, so I thought I’d share this with you.

I hope your day is a great one!

So tell me… do you agree?

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