A Bike Ride + The Bar the Dreams are Made of

Sundays are usually my rest day, but I can’t say I’ve been very good at my rest days lately. I kind of haven’t had one in a month. It’s a problem, and I know it sounds nuts, but I’m not really motivated to do anything about it.


Enter: Bike ride.


As much as I don’t want to stop to taking rest days, I know I’ll end up with months of rest days if I overdo it so I went slow for 14 miles which took me about an hour.


I know spin is fun, but you just can’t beat being out here. I swear it makes you forget how much your quads are burning.

Ok well not really but I do find that time flies way faster out here than on a stationary.

Pre-ride I needed some more fuel and I finally got to try one of the new ALT bars by Larabar.


I had the Lemon Pound Cake. For some reason I was worried it would taste super sweet and sour like those hard lemon candies I was obsessed with when I was like 5. Plus, it’s made with pea protein. Ew man.

But no.


Me craving another Lemon Pound Cake ALT bar.

Me craving another Lemon Pound Cake ALT bar post-ride. Sooo good. 

It’s taking a lot of self-control to refrain from eating the other ones I bought. I can’t wait to try the other flavors! And, not like it was going to stop me now, but my stomach has felt great since I ate it so it’s safe to say these will be a staple in my future.

Once I got home I promptly devoured everything except the ALT bars- including (but not limited to) grapes, watermelon, a think thin bar, and iced coffee. Now, I know what you’re thinking: There was definitely peanut butter included in that hodgepodge. 

I plead the fifth.

Next on my list is a walk with Fen, some yoga action, and then a meal plan for the week.

Today’s Question:  Have you tasted the deliciousness that is ALT bars?


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